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Exemption policies for maternal health services in Africa: evaluations, experiences and knowledge-sharing. 

25-28 November 2013 - Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso


The Community of Practice "Financial Access to Health Services" from the "Harmonization for Health in Africa" (HHA) platform, in collaboration with the FEMHealth research consortium and universities of Montréal (Canada) and Heidelberg (Germany), are organizing a workshop on "exemption policies for maternal health services in Africa: evaluation, experience and knowledge sharing."

The main objective of the Ouagadougou workshop will be to make an assessment of the scientific work in this area, with particular attention to empirical results, methodological approaches and to evidence on the interventions themselves. The workshop will build on the Community of Practice’s willingness to establish an innovative dialogue between researchers and stakeholders of these policies (policy makers, health care providers, civil society, etc.). The workshop will be an opportunity to draw potentially useful lessons for the evaluation and monitoring of future health policies, particularly in the field of health care financing and maternal health.

This workshop is also being held in the context of the closure of FEMHealth’s research project. In this context, a portion of the conference will be devoted to the presentation of the results stemming from this research.

Main deadlines

15th May 2013 : Start of submission of proposals for papers

30th June 2013 : Deadline for submission of proposals for papers

15th August 2013 : Notification to authors of accepted papers


-          Financial access to health services community of practice (FAHS CoP)

-          Institut de recherche en Sciences de la Santé (IRSS), Burkina Faso

-          FEMHealth Consortium (www.abdn.ac.uk/femhealth)

-          Université de Montréal (Canada)

-          University of Heidelberg (Germany)

Organizing committee

1. Seni Kouanda (IRSS, Burkina Faso)

2. Representative of the Ministry of Health, Burkina Faso

3. Representative of the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation, Burkina Faso

4. Maurice Yaogo (AfricSanté, Burkina Faso)

5. Yamba Kafando (FAHS CoP, Burkina Faso)

6. Isidore Sieuleunou (FAHS CoP, Cameroon)

Scientific Committee

  1. Manuela De Allegri (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
  2. Allison Kelley (Financial access to health services community of practice)
  3. Séni Kouanda (IRSS, Burkina Faso)
  4. Nicolas Méda (Centre Muraz, Burkina Faso)
  5. Bruno Meessen (ITM, Belgique)
  6. Alain Prual (France)
  7. Valery Ridde (Université de Montréal, Canada)
  8. Sophie Witter (University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom)
  9. Maurice Ye (CRSN, Burkina Faso)

Methodological Workshop on knowledge management


Workshop place and accommodation

The conference is scheduled to be held at Azalai Hotel Independance Ouagadougou (www.azalaihotels.com). We identified a list of hotels that are near the place of workshop. All hotels have a free shuttle on arrival and departure. The reservation can be made directly by mail or phone. In case of difficulty, thank you to contact the organizing committee (Yamba Kafando kafandoyamba@gmail.com).

List of Hotels


Workshop agenda

About a month separates us from the Ouagadougou conference. We are pleased to present the preliminary program of the conference we will continue to specify the As.

WorKshop fees

The registration fee for the conference on the exemption policies in maternal health to be held in Ouagadougou from November 25 to 28 are set at 85,000 CFA francs ( 130 euros or 170 U.S. dollars ) . It should be noted that the conference was largely funded by the research consortium FEMHealth.

The registration fee includes a kit (bag, notepad and pen ), a badge and all coffee breaks and lunch as detailed in the conference program. Fees can be paid by transfer or by bank transfer or directly before the start of the conference.
For those wishing to pay by bank transfer or bank transfer, see a necessary information ( account number, RIB key , bank correspondence, etc ... ) on the bank account attached . If you want to make the transfer, thank you to mention in addition to your name, " REGISTRATION FEE CoP WORKSHOP Ouaga 2013" on the transfer form . Do not forget to bring with you the receipt of the transfer because that will serve as proof of payment of the registration fee.

For those who wish to pay directly , the secretariat will be open from Sunday, November 2013, 24 from 3 pm in the Hotel Azalai independence.
Note: Payments can be made in CFA , U.S. dollars or Euros.



In the attached file you will find practical information about your stay in Ouagadougou



Presented as part of the conference by the theater of the labor AS within the NGO ASMADE this play called "free health has a price" tells the story of a young couple who prepares arrival of her first child in her village Vinogo. After a few sessions of ultrasound in the city, it was announced to Tinoaga Kumba and that pregnancy is "at risk". This is the beginning of trouble for the young couple will have to face all kinds of difficulties: lack of transportation, the behavior of the village maïeuticien greedy for money ...

Tinoaga and Kumba do not know that the government has decreed care related to free delivery. How will they cope?

You know coming Wednesday, November 27, 2013 from 18h to 20h, Petit Méliès, French Cultural Center, Free admission

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